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Swimming Pool Leak Detection

Winter Water Loss
It is common for swimming pool water levels to be slightly lower in the spring than they were at the time of closing.
Although it is possible that there is a leak present, there are other scenarios that should be explored first:

Water can be lost due to displacement caused by an extraordinary amount of weight on   top of the winter cover (excess water and/or debris).  This would be water that was forced up and over the pool walls.
If the winter cover has any holes or tears and a cover pump was used to remove water  from the cover, some pool water may also have been removed, lowering the water level.
In any case, if a leak is suspected, we recommend opening and operating the pool  normally for a few days and monitoring the water level.  This way, if a leak is present, water loss can be confirmed and quantified.
Procedures to Facilitate Leak Detection   

Being prepared to answer the following questions can save a service company time and save you money when attempting to locate a leak.

  • What type of pool do you have?  (Vinyl liner, Concrete, Plaster, Fiberglass, etc.)
  • How much water is the pool losing per day?
  • Is there any visible water around the filter system?
  • Does the pool lose more water with the pump on or off?
    • Monitor the pool's water level for 12 hours with the pump on and then 12 hours with the pump off.
    • If the pool loses more water with the pump on, the leak is most likely in a pressure  line (return line or jet line).
    • If the pool loses more water with the pump off, the leak is most likely in a suction line (skimmer line, vacuum line, or bottom drain line).
    • If the pool loses the same amount with the pump on or off, the leak is most likely in the pool shell or liner.
    • Was the pool covered with a solar blanket during period of water loss?